Single Player Counter Strike
This game is like Counter Strike but single player. All process for you to upload your own Counter Strike game should take between 6-7 hours.
After you bought the source code, you will be sent a documentation to create your own app and upload it to Google Play or Apple Appstore without knowing any coding. If you need help from us further you can always contact us through our contact mail.
App info
App is for both iOs and Android.(Unity)
App is single player.
All graphics may be changed within the app.
Menus can be changed.
There are three ad networks integrated inside app for you to generate revenue.(admob,chartboost,heyzap)
There are in-app purchases and remove ads.
*** You can send mail to us to ask a question about the source code
*** We also have upload service of the app for you.
For contact info@weedygames.com
You can try our own app and see how the source code is